Mission Statement

To assist people to discover their next step, for healing self. Kelli Inspires many with her personal journey, by bringing good information & hope to many who are told their situation is hopeless. After practicing and witnessing healing with any condition, including cognitive neurological impairments, movement disorders, cancers, ALS, BV/FTD/ALS (all conditions) . Kelli works all day to help herself and inspire, those that are willing to take responsibility in self healing. Utilizing ancient Chinese disciplines thousands of years old and modern healing modalities to improve, reverse or eliminate all symptoms. Energy Qi Healing is about True inspiration, embodiment of Self healing, and the pure joy of sharing Good information with others. The only Goal is Love which is also awakening. Transforming with ancient technology. Purpose, Peace, Joy & Creativity for All. What could be more important? Truly living from True Self is great freedom.

We can improve all conditions of the mind/heart, the body. Energy (qi), forgiveness, and good practice bring about true healing in a scientific way. Healing is just a side effect of the training, which includes the practice of qigong and other modalities that are applied in this service. We are awakening the Buddha or holiness of the universe and creation. In addition to physical healing, personal relationships can heal. Cultivating the person we came here to be rather than the reactive victim, is motivated by three intentions: relief of suffering, respect for human dignity, and the right to self-determination. Kelli Lives out loud healing service is offered to anyone who seeks healing and wholeness. When universal ethics are honored, Kelli receives so much more in return!

With Energy Qi Healing there are three guiding principles:

1. Always going inward: Western culture favors 'facing' outward, when looking for Truth or what's relevant. Perhaps, 'Always going inward' is incomplete as well. It is an extraordinary gift to learn to live in embodied awareness, which requires an inward focus. Perhaps a balanced Consciousness is more like La Chi, or a Breathing Universe, pulsing in and out— Coming HOME to our body. Paradoxically it is just as crucial in healing, to address ALL outward projections, thru True Forgiveness.

2. Emotional stability & flexibility : Some people get stuck in stability, becoming too fixed. Whereas, a balance between mobility and stability invites centering with movement, coherence with grace. Also consider the difference between observing and feeling. Knowing what we feel invites acceptance. Observing is one approach, yet I find it allows some people to stay in their mind, not their body. A secret key is to watch things go by like a river, no story or attachment. When we get into the story or emotion it causes dis-EASE. The best way to heal is to be neutral, allow life to BE, and keep a smile, love, trust, and OPEN. This brings in GOOD information, from a HIGHER perspective.

3. Heart and Mind open: Being totally accountable and honest: Let joy, love, purity, kindness, and the QI flow into all dimensions of your being. Start with your heart and flow into all meridians, tissues, and cells, as well as all actions, beliefs, and thoughts. Become quiet and still, listen, and hear the UNIVERSE get silent to allow the Supreme Intelligence to reorganize everything back to perfection. To manifest a new future, each of us must clean our thinking to have a new life, create new patterns by Higher frequency thinking. This easily can be done with help of those who have DONE it, and continue to DO it, while demonstrating Love.

Energy Qi Healing is dedicated to the principles of Ayni and Seva:

Ayni is the shamanic principle of equality, respect and the mutual flow of giving and receiving - loving reciprocity.

Seva, in Sikh culture, is a service which is performed without any expectation of result or award for performing it; selfless service with a dedication to others.

In the red yet Rich and Abundant: Kelli may go in the red so to speak now, but she went from needing full time care to only having help one day a week. Kelli still lives on her own in Marin County, and with the rent increase of over 40% last year alone, living on disability with little or no ability to earn (yet), the debt is extensive. Pssst: Kelli feels very rich and abundant because every time she brings a twinkle of hope, a mended heart path, or shares a practice to move the stuck energy, she feels like the richest person in the world! You would never know what she struggles with every day, all day, because she is abundant with GOOD information, and the REAL VALUE IN LIFE is service to her fellow humans. Financially it is mathematically impossible for Kelli to still be in Marin. However, when working with energy, one thrives on frequency, we no longer live in the 2+2=4 world .. 1+1+1 in qigong and 1 is total ONENESS= wholeness. True Self is alive.

Quoting Kelli, May the crash and burn in life, be welcomed! Beyond this is recovery and discovery—the unfolding of deep connection through healing and love for all conditions. We can let our life story be ‘just that’ or we can allow BETTER information to become the Master of life, illness, reactivity, thinking …no longer a slave. It is NOT what is happening ‘to’ me… It IS ‘WHAT IS HAPPENING ‘FOR’ ME’. One key is to enjoy each moment and grow our Self to Mastery, no longer a slave.

For the benefit of ALL and doing our part: We are here to help others and Self. If a relationship is for the benefit of Self, others, the Universe & the world, it will empower both the giver and the receiver. A “true gift’ increases in value to both the giver and receiver. A ego gift = both parties will have less. The core is heart-based sharing of good information, on curing what the west deems as “incurable’, sharing the Truth that Self healing is possible. Clearly each person can be given a key but it is up to the individual to use this key. Healing is our birthright, our inheritance. However we each must DO our part. It is time to STOP putting the healing in the hands of others that are not capable of healing these conditions. Making disabilities - abilities! YES, there is a way… to allow the TRUE healing to be cultivated, everyone must do their own part.
