Coaching Overview

Limited coaching sessions are given as my health and schedule allow. Although they are free, if you are guided, a donation or testimonial is always welcome to help meet expenses so this work may continue.

Everything is beneficial, if you know how to frame it /work it: The very injury done to man is a source of benefit to them. The very death visited upon them leads to their revivification. Those who understand this law are able to govern both themselves and others.

“Perfect joy consists in one's nature having abundance, or being fully satisfied; perfect tranquillity, in being contented with little.”  ~ Yin fu ching


Feature 1

Spiritual Coaching:
Mending the projections/forgivness
and heart, deep listening,
end-of-life preparation.


Feature 2

Physical Coaching:
Mentoring those effected, their loved ones and caregivers, food guidance, healing sessions, which effective homeopathy/cell salts have worked. Detox education, and deep heart to heart healing.


Feature 3

Zhineng QiGong Coaching:
Private Qigong practice, training, or Healings or referrals.Group or one-on-one assistance via Zoom. Or on site.
Next step/pep step.

What is Zhineng Qi Gong? Zhineng Qigong was created by Dr. He Ming Pang in the early 1980s and combines a meditative mind state using visualization in combination with physical movement. Zhineng refers to wisdom and ability. It is very effective for healing and developing human potential through self-cultivation. It merges the essences of various styles of qigong including Confucian, Daoist, Buddhist, medical qigong, martial arts and folk qigong with contemporary science, medicine and philosophy. Dr. Pang developed this branch of qigong after years of intensive study of the different types of qigong combined with his knowledge of Western medicine to provide the quickest route to good health and enhanced energy.
