Inner Smile
Inner Smile activates unconditional inner joy and love. Through Inner Smile, youbring the energy of love into your brain, organs and cells. The Inner Joy is the state of well-being, the opposite of disease.
Benefits: When you smile at someone else, you feel a joyful intention. When you see a smiling person, you feel the joyfulness. The InnerSmile brings the kindness, the happiness, and the unconditional joy into the body and the energy field. Before beginning, place your hands on top of your heart and think of something that easily brings a smile to your face. Notice the sensations inside your brain and heart. It is this same energy that we will be activating in this practice without any conditions or story. To feel this deep happiness, you don’t need a happy story or happy thoughts. Simply smile for no reason other than to feel your own happiness. Your happiness is always there inside your heart, inside the cells of your heart, inside the chemistry and nerves of your heart. The more attention you give to it the more it becomes alive. The mind can initiate automatic inner joy by giving this unconditional smile to any aspect of yourself, and your participation in the wholeness of life.When you feel inner joy all the time, the excitement and drama often associate with external happiness is no longer necessary or appealing. What does become appealing is the soft inner joy and peace. Your body is happy, your cells are happy,your organs are happy. Happiness is the opposite of dis-ease. With this inner joy,your body cannot help but be in the most optimal healthy condition.The inner smile automatically brings the thinking mind back into your body, back into your heart,. When inner smiling a new energetic condition of well-being.
This inner smile becomes your most sweetest friend. This practice may be done in any body position, still or moving. To learn the practice, relax and be comfortable. Relax your facial expression, facial muscles, eyebrows, corners of your eyes and your mouth. Set the chi field for yourself and your practice opening where the inside corners of your eyes meet your nose. Use your middle fingers to press lightly. Imagine light from your fingers into your head. Release your fingers and continue to visualize a tunnel of light penetrating betweenyour eyes into your brain. Open this portal further by imagining your eyebrows extending out to your ears, and then add the visualization of the outside corners of youreyes extending out to your ears. Relaxing your facial muscles, jaw, and chin, add the feeling the corner of your mouth extending upward to your ears, making the best effort playfully, imagining,visualizing, a tunnel of light penetrating between your eyes into your brain, feeling the energetic opening to your brain.
Activating the light inside the brain: Open to an awareness, a feeling of starlight of light bubble inside the center of your brain, like the sun in the blue sky. Feel the smiling from your eyes, mouth, and face flowing inwardly merging into the light in the center of your brain. Relax and enjoy the spaciousness, the freedom, and the unconditional nature of this smiling, luminous energy filling your brain. Activate the feeling that your brain relaxing expanding this smile.
Enjoying the Inner Smile inside your heart: Begin to notice the inner space of your body. From the center of your brain, the sun in the blue sky shine your cells, your smile, downward. Visualize the light shining down from the brain into the inner space of your body, down into your heart. Keep concentrating, imagining the light shining down into your heart. Move your hands down to your heart, continuously sending the smile of light downward, with gentleness, kindness, and softness, down into the heart.Feel the energy of that smile penetrating deep into your heart, bringing the warmth,sweetness, gentleness, kindnessm peace and live.
No desire is what we desire. Smile into the innocence of your heart, smile into all of your past, all of who you are. Feel the Inner Smile inside your heart. Sending your radiant smile from your heart into every organ and gland, every cell. Feel the deep joy, the inner bliss, the unconditional love and unconditional happiness. Every organ and gland, every cell is happy. Your entire body is healthy. Happiness in your DNA with your inner smile.
“Continuously feel your heart smiling from the heart center with light encompassing the entire body”
Smiling into any pain, challenges or blockages within your body, within your life. No matter what the story, if you feel entangled, do the inner smile and transform the energy. Embracing, acknowledging all sensation, feeling, experience, giving an inner smile to everything, unconditionally. Not just the good feelings. All feelings are just pure happy smiles maybe even giggling inner smile, more blockages dissolve.
If you’re doing inner smile, it is important to rest your body, feel into the body, melt into a smile.
Once you know the key of the inner smile you are very rich indeed this is how dopamine and new neurotransmitters are formed no doctor in the world can give you this medicine, that ignites the immune system and healing information is very fast with this technique! Priceless and free.