A few weeks ago, early morning my apartment building caught on fire! As all the sirens were going off, Police banging on the doors, being evacuated.
Descending down the fire escape, two streets blocked off with emergency vehicles, fire trucks, & lots of smoke.
I walked out of my studio, surrendered, without my valuables, except a small purse, feeling rich & safe with a little shock.
During evacuation I had little or no provisions. I felt free, loving, flowing, trusting & very complete.
I stayed with my daughter, her new boyfriend & my granddaughter. I was unpredictably relaxed, and able to care for myself.
Not only did I change - my daughter and my granddaughter lives drastically changed, flowing with sweetness, they live in harmony.
I was able stay stable mentally, emotionally, and physically stable, keep improving, practicing without interfering with their life.
Did not have accidents, damage or destroy things. Being with my loved ones was not a difficult chore.
Before Ling and Lu on-line retreats, I worked hard to control symptoms from harming all I know and love-
After over10 years of physical pain levels at 20 on a 10 scale. Where my brain and body felt like in a vise grip of broken glass & burning razor blades.
I am more and more comfortable. And body functions are improving.
New Life, a miracle! More and more I feel my original personality, before diagnosis, returning, I am more present.
When we first started doing the on-line retreats with Ling in Lu , I had numerous symptoms-including the tremors in my hands that have completely disappeared since last March.
Physical symptoms have decreased more and more, it is rare now to have muscle fasciculations. The tension and stress have reduced. The inner ear & head crushing pain have improved. I no longer push against.
Last March, I had a lot of trouble with my right side of my body, my right leg needed to be propped up with several pillows (now down to one).
It was hard to use hands, walk, breathing & swallowing, chewing, sitting and laying down are continuously little by little getting better. My digestion has improved.
From isolating in my studio, I’ve been able to go out and walk each day I get stronger, also, I’m truly enjoying my hikes & walks.
I have good tools for overthinking when I judge in my mind.
If I start to be critical, I simply hand the ‘thinking or issue” over to the True Self to hold the baby. I come back home to my heart, accept and allow, feel inward & listen; then I can enjoy, take in nature, truly connect to HIGHER finer frequency blue sky, inner smile.
I love being a part of the Dao Qi team, consulting with Hui Ling & Lu, the HIGH council, not trying to ‘fix’ anyone, keep working on self is glorious!
All of the Teachings, Practice, extra healing sessions & support from Hui, the team, our teachers have been so generous, valuable, immeasurable and monumental.
This is the first time, for me when assisting a teacher, I am not getting depleted. Being told to do nothing! Real help is first with me bringing energy in, cleaning subconsciousness with True Self.
When we started the retreats last March I told my daughter “I do not know how much more of this I can endure.’
For today I feel happy, knowing I am improving little by little, a miracle, I am sure.
Abundance and joy has been flowing in.
Thank you to our teachers! Thank you to Adriane & Zayne for taking over our the USA daily Kelli zooms, this last few weeks while I was homelessness.
With the Dao QI field & group support, it was easy to ask for help. It is ok to not be perfect. Like a vacation.