When I learned the underpinnings of the ego thought system in relation to sickness, it revolutionized my relationships, with my daughter and Grand daughter, I hope this gives a fresh perspective to what is possible. A transformational way to improve energetics, on ‘illness’ and “helping others/our children” this is not the ‘only answer’ but is a revolutionary way to view and practice new patterns on a few issues of children. Love Kelli from u tube :Kelli McGowan diagnosed at 48-49 with BV/FTD/ALS healing her self, all relationships, behavioral issues, and assisting hundreds of people with severe conditions to improve. this recording is about using sickness as a way to heal the relationship and gain mastery on using sickness as a separation tool or a guilt trip.. RESULTING in True self love, True Healing for all, empowerment, and high frequency upgrade to bring fourth freedom and supreme intelligence so answers can come in the field by creating new patterns.. that heal the family system, but on a mass scale heal the human system, resulting in a Medical revolution .. that YES! we can and ARE healing the 'incurable' yes all disabilities, become ABILITIES for everyone involved .. forgiveness questions
1. Who in the past do I need to forgive in this?
2. Who have I harmed in the past have I harmed (clean that up) go Soul to Soul or in Mind or pick up the phone but ASK FOR GUIDANCE let L\ove & Empowerment lead not guilt, control fear shame sacrifice.
3. what is the shadow figure? (The unconscious fear and guilt) ...just ask ..wait for answer you may be surprised..
4. How have I harmed my self with this?
5 Where am I 'doing this' rite now ? Harming mySelf/Others? " and forgive forgive forgive ..clean clean
dedicated to KellieG